Keratin Healing System
Protein, moisture and minerals are vital to hair. L'anza is heals the hair by replacing all of these essential nutrients.
The result is healthy hair with improved color attachment and even color results. You color will be rich, vibrant and long lasting!
L'anza Healing Haircolor Copper
SKU: lan2507
Color Attachment Technology
Replanishes essential protein, Moisture and Minerals.
Improves Color Attachment.
Ensures even color results.
Copper, Natural Copper, Ultra Copper.
60% Balanced, 40% Orange
90% Balanced, 10% Orange
50% Balanced, 50% Orange
Recommended Use:
Warm, Shiny copper creates clear, radiant tones.
Balanced base with a hont of orange to create a rich natural copper.
Ultra copper for the ultra effect - bold and deep.